Clarivate EndNote X9 full version offline installer is the standard software for publishing and handling bibliographies, citations, and references. You can get it for free here.
Overview of EndNote for macOS
It’s easy to work with your coworkers when you use this reference management software. It saves you time and effort by collecting and organizing your research materials and writing bibliographies without having to do them by hand.
Features of EndNote for macOS
- Look through hundreds of online sites to find PDFs and references.
- With one click, you can find the full text of a source.
- Read, look over, make notes on, and find PDFs.
- Set up rules that will organize your citations for you as you work.
- Automatic updates of references and links will help you keep your data correct.
- With the new group-sharing tools, you can share a library or just a part of it.
- Allow people to read or write in your library.
- Use the latest types of references to make your resume.
- Updated journal and reference styles will help you make sure your bibliographies are correct.
- Please keep track of the changes your teammates make and see what they do in your shared library.
- You can study on your computer, online, or on your iPad.
Technical Details and System Requirements
- MacOS
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