KMPlayer Plus (Divx Codec) 33.07.061

You can download free KMPlayer Plus (Divx Codec) 33.07.061 Video player & Music Pro MOD Version Unlocked Ad-Free APK for Android phones and tablets. It is a fully functional video player that is Divx codec compatible.

Overview of KMPlayer Plus (Divx Codec) 33.07.061

KMPlayer Plus (DivX Codec) offers official compatibility with the DivX codec. It supports various codecs for different file types. For AVI files, supported codecs include DXMF, DX50, DIVX, DIV4, DIV3, and MP4V.

Similarly, the supported codecs for MKV files encompass DX50, DIV3, DIVX, DIV4, and MP4V. This broad codec support ensures that the KMPlayer Plus app can effectively handle and play various multimedia formats, enhancing its versatility and usefulness for users.

If you find that the media player apps that come with your device don’t have enough features or aren’t very good, you should check out this great tool from PANDORA.TV. The powerful and most valuable media player app, KMPlayer Plus, will make it easy to handle and play your videos and audio files.

Open the app, and all your locked media files will be opened and ready to play. The app ensures you can play most video and audio files by giving users the full range of codec choices. You’ll also have access to many helpful tools and viewing features, improving your time in the app.

Features of the App

  • Playback of high-definition videos in HD, 4K, 8K, UHD, and Full HD
  • colour correction
  • Video zoom Section repeat
  • Video Quick Button Popup: Invert Run the Equalizer
  • speed limitation
  • Gorgeous User Interface Subtitle Setting Timer Search My List (Playlist Play URL)
  • Support for external storage devices
  • Internet Cloud


Current version

Additional info
July 10 2023
File Name: KMPlayer Plus (Divx Codec) v33.07.061 [FileZU].apk
Version: 33.07.061


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